Welcome to Machubo Beach Resort
Welcome to Machubo Beach Resort where roughing it has never been easier. Located 80km North of Maputo, 36km North on the Macaneta Peninsula with access via a 24h security gate at the bridge of Maragra sugar mill. Come and discover one of the most unspoiled beaches left. Crystal-clear water. 800m of beach access by 4×4. Exceptional shore angling. Unexplored reefs and dunes. Safe swimming along long stretches of powder white beaches. We are one of the very few lodges that is right ON the beach and not behind a dune or a distance away from the beach. Bird watching and nature trails. Whale watching from July – Oct and Turtle nesting between Oct – March. Boat launching, angling licenses and beach driving permits can be arranged at the resort.
Wake up to a breathtaking sunrise, where the only sound is of the breaking waves. Sooth and renew your soul – drift away to where time has come to a standstill… and discover a beautiful barefoot beach paradise at your doorstep.
Machubo Beach Resort is 580km vanaf JNB, 180km vanaf Komati grenspos of 80Km noord van Maputo geleë, 32km vanaf die hoofpad. Machubo is 36km noord op die Macaneta Skiereiland gelee met 24h toegang deur die Maragra suikerrietmeule, sekuriteitshek en brug… daar waar slegs ‘n handjievol toeriste nog hul voetspore gelos het. Baie veilige area.
Machubo Beach bied van die beste strandhengel, 800m strandtoegang, kristalhelder see langs poeierwit strande, veilige swemareas en onbesoekte riwwe. Pragtige staproetes, natuurlewe en Walvis kyk gedurende Julie – Okt en skilpaaie nes tussen Oct – Maart. Chalet akkommodasie en kamp geriewe bied gaste privaatheid en beskutting tussen eksotiese strandduine en terselftertyd asemrowende uitsigte. Trappies uit die duine, deur die skadubome tot op die strand. 50-100m see toe. Boot lansering, hengellisensies en strandrypermitte kan by die oord verkry word.
Machubo Beach is in ‘n ongerepte area geleë en uiters eksklusief met ‘n baie privaat en veilige strand. Ons het in 2011 self die paaie uitgelê na hierdie stukkie paradys. Die oord is toegangbaar met 4×4, 4×2 en all wheel drive voertuie. Slegs 4×4 voertuie word toegelaat tot op strand. Let wel: Paaie tot by oord IS rybaar met ‘n 4×2 voertuie mits jy bereid is om jou bande tot by 1 bar af te blaas. Die naaste dorp, Manhica, is 30km. Daar is ‘n vulstasie, restaurante, bakkery, bottelstoor, apteke, atm’s, local markte en nog vele meer. Die oord het n gerieflikheidswinkeltjie wat vars produkte, blikkies kos, braaipakke, charcoal, koeldranke en ys verkoop. Daar is tot swemdrag, sarongs en curious beskikbaar.
Die restaurant en kroeg langs die swembad is vir gaste se privaat gebruik en het alles asemrowende strand en see uitsigte. Geen dagbesoekers word toegelaat nie, mits dit vooraf gereel word met vergunning. Daar is braaiplekke langs die swembad beskikbaar. Bring & braai, bestel jou slaai of chips of bestel n potbrood en braai n cuta terwyl jy vir die see kyk en n yskoue 2M geniet. Slegs kontant kroeg toegelaat.
Chalets is 100-500m van die see af gelee en kan tussen 4-18 mense akkommodeer en is toegerus vir selfsorg. Sommige met see uitsig, sommige met privaat splash pool. Beddegoed word voorsien, bring u eie handdoeke en swemhanddoeke.
Kamppeer plekke 100-500m van die strand af elk met sy eie privaat ablusie en geriewe op die staanplek. Toegangbaar met 4×4 karavane, boswaens en off road trailers. Staanplekke onder heerlike koeltebome. Ons gebruik ‘n kragopwekker en solar krag vir ligte en yskaste. Die oord het ‘n boorgat en bied skoon drinkwater. Ons maak ook gereeld bonfire en braai op strand veral onder die volmaan. Ons is hier om u verblyf so spesiaal en gemaklik as moontlik te maak en sien uit na u besoek.
Asemrowende goue môres… daar waar die tyd stilstaan en slegs die geruis van die branders hoorbaar is. Hernu en streel jou siel in hierdie kaalvoet paradys op jou deurdrumpel.

There are 2 camping sites (areas) to choose from, 100m and 500m from the beach respectively. Between them we are able to host more than 100 people. Each have their own private ablutions, a camp kitchen wash-up area and built-in braai facilities on your stand.
The 100m camping site entails camping on the sand and is accessible with 4×4 caravans and off-road trailers.
For the 500m camping site one can camp under lovely, shaded trees. Accessible with 4×4 caravans, off-road trailers and roof top tents.
The 100m camping site entails camping on the sand and is accessible with 4×4 caravans and off-road trailers.
For the 500m camping site one can camp under lovely, shaded trees. Accessible with 4×4 caravans, off-road trailers and roof top tents.
Daar is kampplekke 100m van die strand af en daar is kampplekke 500m van die strand af in die boskamp.
Elkeen het sy eie privaat ablusies, ‘n opwasarea vir die kombuis en ingeboude braaigeriewe op u staanplek.
Die 100m kampeerterrein behels die kamp op die sand en is toeganklik met 4×4-karavane en veldwaens.
Vir die 500m kampeerterrein kan ‘n mens onder lieflike skaduagtige bome kampeer. Toeganklik met 4×4-karavane, veldwaens en daktente.
“It was one of the best holidays in my life! Bertie and Lynne go out of their way to make everything perfect! We had a fantastic time, the resort and beach are beautiful. Thank you so much to all the new friends and Machubo for a perfect December 2020 holiday!!!”
Coreen Mare’ Smith

“We absolutely loved Machubo!! Lynne and Bertie are wonderful hosts and we can most definitely recommend Machubo!! If you’re looking for a real authentic Moz experience then Machubo is the place!!”
Felicity Carey
“Machubo beach resort is simply a little paradise! It’s very well managed, by down to earth friendly people! The atmosphere is one of rest and scenery. The 4×4 trip we did to Bilene and back, was definitely a highlight in my diary“
Charl Korb
Unexplored reefs and dunes, safe swimming & long stretches of powder white beach. [See more info …]